Dear valued customers and partners,
We all want to be healthy and still in business when the Coronavirus has passed. This is our strategy:
The effects of the corona virus are now being felt worldwide. Every industry is affected but the Tourist industry is one of the industries that is particularly hit bad. Initially it looked as if there was going to be a supply problem. Chinese factories were closed and our earphone and poncho supply looked uncertain. During this period we managed to keep our customers satisfied. In a matter of a few weeks the situation has reversed into a demand problem. Virtually all of our sightseeing customers around the world have now temporarily ceased operation.
This is a serious crisis both to our health and our lively hood. To protect our staff we have cancelled all meetings and travel for some weeks now and are all working from home.
For our business to survive we have to recognise that we are all interdependent in the supply chain. From customer to factory to raw material suppliers. With no revenue, cash flow management is paramount. Governments around the world are aware of this and are offering various kinds of support. We will apply for any help that the Dutch Government offers.
MSupport supports its customers by stocking orders, but we expect payment for goods that have been delivered. We still take delivery of everything that is moving in the supply line from China to help our logistic partners and to be ready when our customers are back in operation. For the time being we are still letting the production lines in China run to help our factories.
We take our responsibility and will do everything necessary to remain the reliable partner that you have come to know. I hope that all our partners in the supply chain stay healthy and are ready to bounce back when this terrible crisis is over.
Henk Deuschle
MSupport International B.V.